
How to order from Malmar

There are a number of ways to order products from Malmar, so choose a method that suits you:

Ordering online

Ordering online is the fastest, most efficient way to place your order. Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Join: Click the Join Malmar button and complete the registration form

Step 2: Get your password: If you’re accepted, we’ll send you the current password via email (we change the password regularly)

Step 3: Log in: Enter your password into the login panel, located at the top of every page and you’ll then have access to our full product range

Step 4: Choose a category: Select a category from the Products page. Browse through all categories by clicking 'Next Page' or 'Next Category'

Step 5: Browse or search products: Browse through product images, or search using the search text box in the product navigation panel

Step 6: Add to cart: Select the quantity you want into the ‘Qty field’. Your cart will automatically update when you leave the page

  • To remove a product: Click the ‘Checkout’ button and tick the box at the end of the product you’d like to remove.
  • To update a quantity: Click the ‘Checkout’ button and change the number in the ‘Quantity’ field’
  • When you’ve made all your changes, click on the 'Update Cart' button and you’ll be prompted to confirm any removals and/or updates. Click on the 'OK' button to proceed

Step 7: Checkout: Click on ‘Checkout’ and check through your order. When you’re happy click ‘Continue’ to move to the next step 

Step 8: Enter your details: Now it’s time to complete your personal and delivery details

Step 9: Submit order: You have two order submission options:

  • Email: Your order will be sent to us via email and you’ll receive a confirmation email - an email is the fastest way to process your order.
  • Fax: This will generate a printable order page. You can review it at your leisure and send it to us when you are ready.

Ordering offline

If you’re not comfortable ordering online, you can order from Malmar in a number of other ways:

Making payments

We accept payment online, cheque, money order, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Direct Deposit, Visa and MasterCard.

We can also process EFTPOS transactions for showroom sales (Cheque and Saving accounts).

Visa and Mastercard

Our details for EFT are as follows:

    Bank: National Australia Bank (NAB)
    Account Name:Malmar Enterprises
    BSB: 084 917
    Account Number: 545 388 623

New Accounts

All new accounts are required to pay pro forma (money up front), and the easiest and fastest way to process this is via credit card.

We accept Visa and MasterCard and your card is only charged the day the order is despatched.

We don’t charge a transaction fee on credit card payments.


Credit Terms

If you wish to use our 30-day credit facility then you’ll need to complete a credit application.

Please note: Any accounts falling outside this term may have their credit facility removed, and no further orders will be processed.

Download a Credit Application form


Ready to order?

If you'd like to know more about Malmar's range of wholesale gifts and homewares, please call us in Australia on (07) 5527 8866, or contact us.

Five reasons to choose us

Not only do we offer you the best range of giftware, you also enjoy:

  • On-trend, sellable products
  • Simple, secure online ordering
  • Outstandingly friendly and efficient customer service
  • Super-fast, reliable delivery
  • A proven history of import and wholesale awesomeness

Australian Trusted Trader
Australian Trusted Trader
Let's connect

 (07) 5527 8866

Malmar Enterprises
6 Sierra Place, Coomera
Gold Coast, QLD 4209 AUSTRALIA